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Curriculum & Assessment

At Learn 'n Grow Early Childhood Education Center, we offer preschool programs for 3 and 4/5 year olds. The Learn 'n Grow ECEC is a nature-based program where we focus on the whole child. Students will be outdoors throughout the year, exploring the wonders of the seasons here in West Michigan. Our center is nestled in a 5-acre wooded area so the natural environment lends itself to an abundance of nature-based and outdoor learning opportunities. Our GSRP classrooms utilize Creative Curriculum, a proven, research-based curriculum, for learning. The Creative Curriculum is aligned to the Department of Education Early Childhood standards and utilizes a system of studies based on topics typically of interest to preschool-age children.  Our educational units will be embedded into exploring different habitats and we're excited for students to connect with their surroundings through social, emotional and physical play.

Thematic Units Centered On Six Habitats
Forest, tundra, ocean, grasslands, wetlands and desert. Within each unit we will explore more about seasons, living and non-living things, animal homes, parts of the body, fire safety, personal safety, nutrition, five senses, magnets, simple machines and more!

Math Skills
Counting, shapes, sorting, spatial relations, sizing/comparing words, patterning, graduated order, one-to one correspondence and following three-step directions.

Reading Readiness
Literacy: Recognizing first name in print, scribble writing, concepts of print, letter sounds, letter
identification, write some letters from own name, recognizing last name in print, rhyming and dramatic play.

Fine Motor
Beginning scissor skills, introduction of writing tools and pencil grip.

Gross Motor
Running, jumping, hopping, galloping and catching a ball.

Self-Help Skills
Personal health and role-playing.

Solving conflicts, interactive social skills and manners throughout the year.


Teaching Strategies Gold is the assessment tool aligned with the Creative Curriculum for our GSRP classrooms. TS Gold looks at early childhood development from infancy through third grade in ten content areas:

  • Social Emotional 

  • Physical

  • Language

  • Cognitive

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics

  • Science and Technology

  • Social Studies

  • The Arts

  • English Language Acquisition (when appropriate)

Each child is assessed on their individual strengths through teacher observation. Daily anecdotal notes based on child observations will be recorded and used to score the child in the online TS Gold assessment tool. Teachers will create a child development report at least three times each year to share with families at the conferences and final home visit. GSRP teachers will conduct two home visits, one at the start of the year and one at the end of the year.

Each GSRP student will be screened in all areas of development in order to monitor individual development levels and needs. Prior to the first home visit, families will be asked to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) -3 and ASQ-Social Emotional. This will help guide our first home visit and set goals for your child’s time in preschool. If a child has suspected delays, parents will be notified and the team will work together to make provisions for the appropriate supports. Parents will be notified of any special education evaluation completed and be a part in creating the plan as deemed necessary. 

Parent-Teacher conferences will be held in the fall and winter of each year. A parent may request an additional conference or meeting with the teaching staff at any time.